Saturday, February 03, 2007

2N2/20 Build

Mike and I have been building K8IQY's 2N2/20 transceiver for awhile. I got off to an early lead. But Mike shot on ahead. OK...I'm slow.

The 2n2/20 is a 20M transceiver. CW only. 5 watts. Built using the manhattan style of construction.

Here's where I am right now.

Pretty impressive, huh? Yeah, I don't think so either.

Obviously, most of my progress is along the west side of the circuit board. This is all of the receiver audio circuitry, including the receive mute switching circuit. In the upper right hand corner lives the transmit/receive switching. The empty pads are for the roofing filter and product detector.

Here's another shot of the product detector and audio pre-amp. This shot helps you understand why this is called "Manhattan" style construction. Because it looks like you could get mugged down there. No, actually, seen from the side like this, the components look like a city skyline. It also looks like I need to figure out how to take macro pictures with good lighting.

Here's an aerial view of the audio preamp. See the four diodes lined up over in the product detector section? I've wound a toroid that will snuggle in right next to those diodes. Let's see if I can take a better picture of the board.

Not too much better. Oh well.

I just got through winding the toroid that will live just to the right of the four diodes that are standing up near the center of the photo. That installs next.



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